sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Azagra - Un recuerdo de alguien al que conoci en la Bodega Nicolas

Hace unos días murió D. Javier Azagra, obispo de Cartagena,  me acuerdo de él como si fuera ayer. No solo por las veces que salia por la tele sino de una anecdota de cuando yo era un crio.

Yo tenia 10 años y estaba “ayudando” a mi padre en el taller de radiadores que regentaba en la plaza de los Carros y fui a almorzar a la Bodega Nicolás cuando todavía la llevaba Juan y era un bar de toda la vida y no un local de tapas pro como es ahora.

Bueno, mejor no me ando por las ramas,  estaba comiendo un bocadillo de tortilla de patatas con Paco, el del taller de bicicletas  de El Nene cuando entraba D. Antonio, el cura que trabajaba en la ferretería Ayala y a su par entraba un señor vestido de cura, cura .

Yo salude a Antonio, el fue el que me regalo mi primer comic, el Evangelio en comic para niños y me presento a D. Javier.

Estuvieron hablando de cosas de mayores, política y fútbol, nada de lo que interesara a mi porque a mi me gustaba mas jugar y  darle de comer a Dinki, el perro de Paco.

Cuando me quede sin bocadillo,  aquel  hombre me dio un trozo de pan para que se lo diera al Dinki pese a que Paco le llamo la atención a su perro. Le di las gracias y sin querer queriendo le dije

-         Que Dios te lo pague.

Y los que estaban en aquel corrillo y algunos más que estaban cerca se partieron el culo de risa, yo me acuerdo de que me reía porque veía a D. Antonio y a mi padre riéndose como cuando te ríes porque ves a otro riéndote y sin saber por que.
 Termínanos de almorzar  y me dio la mano y que siguiera siendo tan bueno como era.

Después Paco, me dijo que le había dado la mano al obispo de Cartagena y que ya no hacia falta que hiciera la confirmación  mientras mi padre que estaba al lado se reía.

Mi padre decía de el, que era el único hombre en toda la Región  al que querían por igual los múrcianos y los cartageneros y que hasta los comunistas iban a misa cuando la daba el.

Hoy después de ver a un amigo, y ponerme a ver las notificaciones RSS he visto que murió hace poco. Despues de googlear un poco para hacer una memoria acerca de el, he visto  que había gente que lo criticaba por ser un cura obrero, de los que critican espero vayan al cielo para ver como D. Javier sigue repartiendo su bondad  tanto a hombres como a perros. Por eso he decidido en vez de escribir algo serio, escribir algo alegre, el buen recuerdo que dejo en mi.

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Jurassic world

One day,  my cousin Andres and me went to the cinema to watch Jurassic Park. when the dinosaurs appeared in the big movie screen , we were left with ours mouth open.

Really,  the dinosaurs don't make  from a mosquito but only the this idea  " make the dinosaurs bring th life again"  there was that the only thing to listen us.

This morning  I got up and I watch the newspaper ( yes, I watch because I read the newspaper in th screen of my PC), I see the notice of the Jurassic World.


Here let you a video

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

Why do I need a schedule?

At first of all, a schedule is a plan  to organize your day in periods of time  to make things, activities, etc.   

And then why do you need a schedule? 

Because I make things with the PC, and with thing called " the cloud" I only watch internet and don't make anything. 

But it's sound squared, you mean?

It isn't squared, is  practice, useful. And I need to try  execute it.


domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

A strange situation

This summer, Mj and me went to dinner at old town, we  walked along the old district and.. I remenber  that she told me:

- Antonio, Cartagena is full of cockroaches ( cucarachas),  why  doesn't the city council fumigate?

Everywhere she looked, there were  cukis ( cockroaches),  we walked street to street until we took a seat in  a bar near of the building of Hacienda in Medieras street.

When we took a seat, we called the waitress but waitress, a girl that looked a little angry,  she didn't look us and we had to wait about half an hour until a other girl go close us and aske us  the order. MJ told me:

- Antonio, if Cartagena is  half  empty, why  didn't  go to take the order?

While there was happening the owner, a woman,  looked us and she didn't  anything only talked with her friends in other table.

After this night, I felt bad because I am from of Cartagena and to Mj, the people of Cartagena look  like a  gang of shirkers.

past a week, I received in my facebook  a invitation to "give a like" for this bar. And I wrote my opinion  and  I describe that happened us .

A few days ago, the owner sent a message that  to try to fix it.

sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Why do you play to role play?

This is a long history, when I was 17 years old, I have talked with my cousin Andres about the novel Lord of the rings and he showm me a book  " el Señor de los anillos, juego de rol",  he telt me:

- My friends and me, we play this game this evening , Why do you go to watch us how to play it?

All the boys was around of a table with sheets of paper and dices, many dices. One of them was a warrior, "was" no, he played the rol of a warrior, he taled like a warrior, he tthought like a warrior,  and the other of them played other rols.

After this day, I play teh rol of vampire, vampire hunter, semi-godness, elve, dwarf, werewolf, pirate, imperial soldier of the god imperator, warrior,  thief,  rogue and mnay rol of characters.

Today, I play with the character of a pirate, with the terms of a  spanish  RPG   " Piratas".
One of things that I love of the RPG books is the big amount of informatión and descriptions that contains.

This video,  is more or less like a rol play party.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

the power of the presure cooker

When I was a child, I remember to listen to my mother and her friends talk about how to cook with presure cooker ( olla express en castellano), they said that it is very fast.

The past wednesday,   I bought a presure cooker to cook because I bought   dried legume and when I cook them, it took about 2 hours  to be prepared to eat. Today I try this presure cooker and in a half hour it is prepared..... no two dish, I prepare 4 dish.

More fast and cheaper  to cook.

Now my frezeer is full of tupperware.

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

The weekends, I walk about 20 km, Why don't walk 5 the week days?

All the  tuesdays and the thursdays I go to the Universidad Popular  to learn english.  I take the bus to go the Univerdiad  and I walk to go back home. Somebody ask me:

Antonio, why do you walk to back home? why  do you drive your car? 

Then I telt you: 

- Because the weekends I walk in the mountains 20 km or more,  why don't walk 5 km  in the city?. I'm no a hurry.

  I prefer to be consistent in my life. I love the simple things, without ornamentation, the life sounds better.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

why do we trust us?

This night when I went back to home. I think about the four persons of Israel killed by two persons of Palestina and I ask myself  why this four persons  didn't see the intentions of their killers. It is listen to a sci-fi but still I think about this.

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Everyone are Hacienda

Hello. I have received a notification fron Hacienda. In this card, Haciende ask me that I show by documents that I live in my house.

All of this, it is because the hacienda of the kingdom of  Spain need money to pay their liabilities.

Today and tomorrow, I'll get all the documents and I'll go to Hacienda to  submit my documents.

In the meantime, I  try over the warrior dances.

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

about the groups of people

Yesterday, I was hikig with my friends in the hill called Algarrobo. I got up the first and I finised the first also.  But all the group must wait by two persons that came with us because this persons not hike anytime.

Is it fair that a group of people waiting two people because of their irresponsibility?

I think that is not fair. Because these persons, I ate very later and bad.

What dou you think ?

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

The Vampyre of Time and Memory

Hello, the first of all, I must say  that this week I have written a litle number of post because I have been a idle.
But this friday, I have rescue twenty books of chemistry from a donation to the public library of my district. I try to explain.

One day of this week, a  person donate a box of books of chemistry and engineering to the public library of Los Dolores.

There were two men what go to the library to catch the books from donations and after  this men sell books to a second -hand shop.

I talk with the person in charge of the library and she said me that this men have forbidden to take books and she said me:

- Antonio, take all because this books anybody like .

This afternoon, the books were in their nidus.


martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014


This past sunday, in the afternoon. I went to the cinema with my  friends to watch a fillm called Interstellar.

A history about the exploration of the universe because of in the planete Earth, nobody cant survive for more time.
It a fantastic film where the history is serving to learn science.

If you can go to the cinema, you must watch it.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

the night of Guy Fawkes

Sometimes, I dream with a beautiful world without problems. But  in my real world, I have nightmares with a night, the night of Guy Fawkes whic the people can kill other people  because they don't like them.

Somebody want to be pleasant only for their interest, for  get their follower for  very things. But this people when you  don't think them, they  try  to fell bad.

In this nigth of Guy Fawkes, both good and people could kill.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Thank you, Sir.

Once upon a time, in a city of south east of Spain, there was a child who watched TV, he watched a  cartoon about the most famous detective of the world.

He dreamt to make all machines that appeared in the  cartoon and also he dreamt who become a great person like Sherlock  and John.

Years passed, this child became a man. He  is a engineer and is  unemployed but he thinks to learn english  to get a Cambridge certificate. One day, he watch on facebook's friend  a article about the diferent ways to learn english.  One tip is watch a english series TV and  suggest "Sherlock" a free adaptation of the works of sir Arthur Conan Doyle

In class, my partners think about me  like a " Sherlok" but  I found myself  as John Watson, a man  cost to adapt a new life.

By the by, who is your favorite character  of a novel, serie, comic or film?



The wind is rising ;)

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

a phrase, a thougth

Today, I begin to correct all my post write in english .I mark the corrected words in red because I want to collect my mistakes.

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014


Desde hace un mes estoy parado, me plantee volver estudiar a  ingles.....pero estudiar en mi casa se esta convirtiendo en imposible debido a me hize una casa maravillosa llena de las cosa que me gustan un taller abajo, la biblioteca en medio y arriba el jardin. Y me esta costando, Dios y ayuda,  estudiar ademas con el ordenador, teniendo en cuenta que tengo una coleccion de juegos de estrategia. Y sobre todo lo mas dificil es que casi siempre he trabajado entre obra y oficina..... y mi biblioteca no es un sitio para estudiar.

Menos mal que tengo a Mj que me da un repaso todas las noche por via telefonica.

Since one month I am unemployed. I was proposed to go back to learn english...... but study in my home is turning imposible because I made me a wonderful house plenty of the things that I like, for example, a workshop down,  a library  in the first floor and the garden at roof. ...and I get hard myself, Good and help, to study, it taking into account that I have a great  collection of estrategy PC games. And above all, the most dificult is that  I always work between building site and office... and my library is not good site to study.

Also, Arcade Fire are not to help me with them videoclips.

Goodness that I am having MJ thatt she help me every night by phone.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

This last saturday, my friend Gerardo walked along a very beautiful path with many people.

Always he request foods to the people that go with him  to donate this food to Caritas.

Yesterday, MJ telt me that the little children of her school , they haven't  any  educative toy or they a have a broken toys, and she thinks that buy a few toys for the little children.

I think to make some toys  and create a blog to explain how to make toys for little children with few money.

This ideas  make a better world for many people who need help because the only solicitude for them is to search food that eat everyday.

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

All the pretty girls are gone

The winter is coming, and  as " Game of Thrones" , the life is very cruel, because when the winters is coming, the days of Christmas 'll go with it.

Why Christmas is bad season for me?

Because all my girlfriends let me in christmas.  This year  looks like special because MJ and me go better even if MJ is very busy with her studies.

I hope this year, it will break the curse that somebody bestow on me.

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014

The winter is coming

Murcia is a very warm city but since last wednesday I have a cold with headhache and stomach ache.

See you soon