jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Thank you, Sir.

Once upon a time, in a city of south east of Spain, there was a child who watched TV, he watched a  cartoon about the most famous detective of the world.

He dreamt to make all machines that appeared in the  cartoon and also he dreamt who become a great person like Sherlock  and John.

Years passed, this child became a man. He  is a engineer and is  unemployed but he thinks to learn english  to get a Cambridge certificate. One day, he watch on facebook's friend  a article about the diferent ways to learn english.  One tip is watch a english series TV and  suggest "Sherlock" a free adaptation of the works of sir Arthur Conan Doyle

In class, my partners think about me  like a " Sherlok" but  I found myself  as John Watson, a man  cost to adapt a new life.

By the by, who is your favorite character  of a novel, serie, comic or film?



The wind is rising ;)

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